60+ Super Fun Activities for Kids at Home


60+ Super Fun Activities for Kids at Home

All schools in Cyprus are temporary shutdown according to the announcement of the Cabinet on 11th of March 2020.  The schools’ temporary shutdown is precautional and targets to contain the spread of the new coronavirus (COVID-19) in Cyprus.  

Kids though if they do not have nothing to do at home, you will definitely, feel hopeless. 

Therefore, we have created a list with several ideas for kids’ activities at home which will spread the fun side of staying at home and let their creativity shine.

Of course, some of the mentioned spread-the-fun activities, will require the participation of adults, which is why; Moms, Dads, Grandma and Grandpa be ready! ?

  1. Read your favorite Books
  2. Play Board Games
  3. Prepare an Indoor Picnic
  4. Arrange a Karaoke day
  5. Convert your living room to a Home Cinema and watch your favorite movies
  6. Play an Indoor Treasure Hunt
  7. Go an Indoor Camping
  8. Play a Yes / No Game with your family
  9. Bake Cookies
  10. Bake your own Cake
  11. Bake Bread
  12. Make a Home-Made Pizza
  13. Craft a Breakfast Menu
  14. Prepare Family breakfast
  15. Make snacks in shape
  16. Create your own recipe
  17. Play Dough
  18. Create a colorful collage
  19. Craft a Time Capsule
  20. Craft paper airplanes
  21. Write jokes
  22. Have fun with colorful crayons
  23. Paint pictures
  24. Craft Paper images
  25. Craft your own Finger Puppets
  26. Exercise Indoor
  27. Play the game Animal, Vegetable and Things
  28. Organize your room toys
  29. Play Shopping at the Mall and Supermarket
  30. Build a house with a paper box
  31. Turn a box into a spaceship
  32. Make a Volcano
  33. Play console games
  34. Play UNO
  35. Write your own fairy tale
  36. Watch your baby videos
  37. Go through the old photo albums and listen to your baby stories
  38. Ride your bike in your yard
  39. Play with Tupperware
  40. Play Investigators
  41. Give your action figures a bath
  42. Play red light, green light
  43. Create a toy parade
  44. Dance Disco Party
  45. Prepare a theatrical play with puppets
  46. Practice cutting paper
  47. Play with stickers
  48. Design your stickers
  49. Play with Legos
  50. Play bowling with cups
  51. Practice your math
  52. Make a revision of your lessons
  53. Play with balloon – indoor tennis
  54. Create your own musical instruments
  55. Play Nerf game – Knock the balls and cans
  56. Play the Game – Race with a book at your head
  57. Play a letter matching game
  58. Play a building contest
  59. Make puzzles
  60. Play Inventors and discover new use of toys
  61. Play toy motor race
  62. Take funny photos
  63. Create a funny album
  64. Play drawing games with your hands
  65. Create talent contests
  66. Prepare your own broadcast show
  67. Craft your own board game

All the above aim in making home time with the kids as pleasurable and fun as possible! Just remember, stay home and stay safe 🙂