Seven in ten enterprises in Cyprus used social media in 2019


In 2019, one in two enterprises (50%) reported that they were using at least one type of social media, which means an increase of 16 percentage points since 2014 (34%), with Cyprus ranking 4th among the EU 27, according to data released by Eurostat, the statistical service of the EU.

More specifically, according to Eurostat, the use of social media was most popular among enterprises in Malta (84%), followed by Denmark (75%), the Netherlands (74%), Cyprus (73% from 53% in 2014), Sweden (72%), Belgium, Ireland and Finland (all 71%), while it was less popular among enterprises in Romania (33%), Bulgaria (34%), Poland (37%), Hungary (38%), Latvia (41%) and Slovakia (42%). In Greece the rate was 55% in 2019 up from 38% in 2014.

Compared with 2014, the percentage of enterprises using social media has risen across all EU Member States with available data. The highest increases were recorded in Denmark and Luxemburg (26 pp both), followed by Finland (25 pp), Sweden (24 pp) and Latvia (22 pp), while the lowest increases were observed in Bulgaria (6 pp), Ireland, Portugal, Romania and Slovenia (all 11 pp).

Source: CNA