Cyprus trade deficit decreases to €4.897m in 2018


The trade deficit was €4.897,0m in January-December 2018 compared to €5.247,8m in the corresponding period of 2017, according to the new monthly electronic publication “Intra-Extra EU Trade Statistics (Summarized Data)” for December 2018 published today by the Statistical Service of Cyprus.

Based on the main developments in Cyprus foreign trade, total imports (covering total imports from third countries and from EU Member States) in January-December 2018 amounted to €9.160,6m as compared to €8.216,2m in January-December 2017. Total exports (covering total exports to third countries and to EU Member States) in January-December 2018 were €4.263,6m compared to €2.968,4m in January-December 2017.

During December 2018 total imports (covering total imports from third countries and from EU Member States) valued at €847,7 mn as compared to €725,3 mn in December 2017.

Total exports (covering total exports to third countries and to EU Member States), including stores and provisions, in December 2018 amounted to €163,6 mn as compared to €232,9 mn in December 2017.

Exports of domestically produced goods, including stores and provisions in December 2018 were €92,3 mn as compared to €98,1 mn in December 2017 whilst exports of foreign goods, including stores and provisions, in December 2018 were €71,3 mn as compared to €134,8 mn in December 2017.

Total domestic exports of industrial products in December 2018 were €85,1 mn compared to €87,2 mn in December 2017. Total domestic exports of agricultural products in December 2018 were €5,1 mn compared to €8,2 mn in December 2017.

Source: Cyprusdaily