Limassol in 86th place on Mercer’s Quality of Living ranking


Limassol has been ranked among the 100 best cities to live in by Mercer’s latest Quality of Living ranking.

It was ranked 86th from a total of 231 cities.

Vienna topped the list, followed by Zurich. Vancouver, Munich and Auckland shared third place.

Making up the rest of the top ten were Dusseldorf, Frankfurt, Copenhagen, Geneva and Basel.

With the exception of Canada’s Vancouver and New Zealand’s Auckland, the rest of the cities in the top  10.

The Austrian capital has had the world’s highest quality of living for a decade

Limassol was ranked 86th and Athens 89th.

Singapore (25), Montevideo (78) and Port Louis (83) retain their status as the highest ranking cities in Asia, South America and Africa respectively. Despite still featuring at the bottom of the quality of living list, Baghdad has witnessed significant improvements related to both safety and health services. Caracas, however, saw living standards drop following significant political and economic instability.

Mercer uses 39 different criteria to determine quality of living including housing, the political and social environment, the natural environment, public services and transport, recreation, schools and education, consumer goods availability and medical and health considerations.

The survey helps multinational organisations to compensate employees when placing them on international assignments.

See list and criteria here:

Mercer’s Quality of Living ranking

Source: Cyprusdaily