‘Reflect’, largest future festival in the region, begins in Limassol


Reflect Festival, the largest two- day future casting festival between Southern Europe and the Middle East, begins on Thursday in the coastal town of Limassol.

Topics include Artificial Intelligence, the changing world of business, innovation in health tech, new players in mobility, and climate change.

According to the organisers, over 1000 attendees – entrepreneurs, managers, innovators, students, and future enthusiasts will meet in Limassol, together with more than 50 speakers to listen, learn and reflect on the world that changes.

Speakers include Sophia, the Hanson Robotics’ most advanced human-like robot, Sujay Tyle CEO and Co-Founder at Frontier Car Group, Martin S. Hauge, Chairman at Frog Capital, Tomáš Brngál Co-Founder & CEO at Virtual Everything, George Christou
Associate Professor at European University Cyprus, Chris Duffey Head of AI Innovation and Strategy at Adobe, Jamie Bolding
Founder & CEO of Jungle Creations, Logan Cohen Co-Founder & CEO of KÜDZOO, and many others.  More information at www.reflectfest.com.

Source: Cyprusdaily