Looking for summer schools? We got your back!


Summer Vacations for our little ones are just around the corner. 

Primary schools official summer vacations start on the 20th of June until 6th of September. 

Moms do not panic! We got you covered!

We know your questions:

How my kids will spend the summer?

Who will look after them, when I am at work?

Is it possible to combine education, physical activity and fun?

How do minimize my kid’s exposure to TV and electronic games?

How can I help my kid socialize and make new friends?

The questions’ list is endless and there many issues worrying parents when considering their children’s summer activities and pastime.  How to keep their children active, intrigue their creativity, keep them occupied while having lots of fun during their summer vacations and until the new school year starts. 

Let’s have a look at some great Summer School options all around Cyprus: 



Dates: 24/06-02/08/19 (Monday – Friday)

Packages: Weekly or Daily

Ages: 4 – 10 years old

Contact details:  [email protected] | 77770210

Website: www.bricks4kidz.com.cy/summer-school

Activities: Educational & Recreational Activities


Daydreamers Summer school

Dates: 1/07/2019 – 26/07/19 (Monday – Friday)

Packages: Weekly

Ages: 5 – 13 years old

Time: 7.15 a.m – 15:00 p.m.

Contact details:  [email protected] | 99698691

Website: www.egomio.eu

Facebook Page: egomiocyprus

Activities: Arts, sports, alternative methods of teaching

Language of Services:  Greek and English Language

Price:  100€ – 340€

French-Cypriot Summer School 2019

Dates: 1/07/2019 – 26/07/19 (Monday – Friday)

Packages: Weekly

Ages: 3 – 12 years old

Time: 7.15 a.m – 16:00 p.m.

Contact details:  [email protected] | 96989034

Website: www.efcn.info/

Facebook Page: French Cypriot Holidays Nicosia

Activities: French for beginners, arts, crafts, , theatre, dance, table games, storytelling, cooking sports and other activities.

Language of Services:  French (All staff also speak Greek and English)

Price:  380€/month or 100€/week (discount for 2+ weeks) or 22€/day (lunch included)

Smart Hands Summer Program Offer 2019

Dates: 2/7/2019 – 7/9/2019

Packages: Weekly

Age Group: 3-12 years old

Time: Daily 7:30-15:30 with additional charge till 17:00.

Contact details:  [email protected] | 97776494

Activities: arts and crafts, recycling materials, painting, decoupage, paper mache, clay, rock painting, gardening, etc

Price:  Prices vary (depending on month and duration the child will register).
For more information call.

Facebook: kidsclassesnicosia/


Oi Kontides

Dates: 20/06/2019 – 31/07/19 (Monday – Friday)

Packages: Monthly

Ages: 5 – 12 years old

Time: 7:30 a.m – 18:30 p.m.

Contact details:  2533 7788

Activities: Swimming, Arts & Crafts, robotics, excursions, themes days & many more!

Summer at Flips & Hops 2019

Dates: 24/06/2019 – 9/08/19 (Monday – FRIDAY)

Packages: Weekly

Ages: 4 – 12 years old

Time: 8:00 a.m – 13:15 p.m.

Contact details:  [email protected] | 99310576

Facebook: gymnasticsforallcyprus

Activities: Gymnastic for all, Acrobatics, aerial acrobatics, acro – dance, sports and recreation games

Price:  1-3 weeks €80/week | 4-5 weeks €75 / week | 6-7 weeks €70 / week, sibling 10% discount |   Flips & Hops kids extra 10% discount | No meals included | No Excursions | No extra costs

Masterland’s Summer Camp 2019

Dates: 20/6/2019 – 6/9/2019 (Monday – Friday)

Packages: Weekly

Ages: 6 – 12 years old

Time: 8:00 a.m. – 18:30 p.m.

Language: Russian, English and Greek Groups

Contact details:  96101191 – Dimitry Russian and English Language, 96213561 – Zoe Greek and English Language  

Facebook: masterlandcy/

Website: www.masterland.com.cy

Activities: Variety of activities in the Park (art school, theatre, dance, bakery, sports, computer class, quests, etc.) with trips to the beach and various outdoor excursions.

Price:  €150 / week full program, €90/week 8:00 a.m – 14:00p.m, 10% discount on the 2nd and 3rd child for registrations of 2 weeks and over

Bubble Park

Dates: 24/6/2019 – 2/8/2019 (Monday – Friday)

Packages: Weekly

Ages: 6 – 12 years old

Time: 7:30 – 13:00 p.m. or 7:30 – 15:00

Contact details:  70008586

Facebook: bubblepark/

Website: www.bubblepark.com.cy

Activities: Arts & Crafts, Theatre, Music, Dancing, Water games, Zumba, Body Combat, Cooking, Inventions, Seminars, Playground, Climbing, Talent Competitions, Trips

Price:  7:30 – 13:00 (2 meals) €90/week | 7:30 – 15:00 (3 meals) €110/week | 2nd & 3rd Child 15% discount 


Dates: 1/7/2019 – 2 / 8 / 2019 (Monday – Friday)

Packages: Weekly

Ages: 6 – 12 years old

Time: 7:30 a.m – 13:30 p.m or 7:30 a.m – 15:30 p.m

Contact details:  25750666

Facebook: GalacticaEntertainment/

Website: www.galactica.com.cy

Activities: Pastry Making, Cooking, Bowling, Survivor, Playground games, Talent show Arts & Crafts, Theatre, Dancing, Pilates, Musical Theatre and many more.

Price:  €85/week (7:30 – 13:30 including breakfast & lunch) | €100 / week (7:30 – 15:30 including breakfast, lunch and afternoon snack) | 15% Discount to Siblings


Dates: 24/6/2019 – 2 / 8 / 2019 (Monday – Friday)

Packages: Weekly

Ages: 4 years old and over

Time: 7:30 a.m – 13:30 p.m or 7:30 – 15:00

Contact details:  25580644 | 99269891

Facebook: kidsworld.playcentre

Activities: Football, Arts & Crafts, painting, dancing, board games, sea trips and many more.

Price:  Starting from €60 / week (see the flyer for more information)


Dates: 24/06-02/08/19 (Monday – Friday)

Packages: Weekly or Daily

Ages: 4 – 10 years old

Contact details:  [email protected] | 77770210

Website: https://www.bricks4kidz.com.cy/summer-school/

Time: 8:30 – 15:00

Activities: Educational & Recreational Activities

Price: €75 / week or Daily package €18/child (1 meal inclusive)


Summer School Paphos Nautical Group

Dates: 24/6/2019 – 9/8/2019(Monday – Friday)

Packages: weekly

Ages: 4 – 13 years old

Contact details:  [email protected] | 97905352 Dimos Rousounides | 99818892 Paphos Nautical Club

Facebook: summerschoolpaphos/

Time: 7:00 a.m – 15:00 p.m

Activities: Sports Activities, Art Activities, Water Activities and many more

Price: 50€/week, €150 – 4 weeks, €170 – 5 weeks, €190 – 6 weeks, €200 – 7 weeks (20% discount for siblings)


American Academy Larnaca Summer School 2019

Dates: 24/6/2019 – 2/8/2019 (Monday – Friday)

Packages: weekly

Ages: 3 – 14 years old

Contact details:  [email protected] | 24815400

Website: http://www.academy.ac.cy/page/summer-school-registration-forms/

Language: Greek and English language

Time: 7:30 a.m – 14:30 p.m

Activities: Athletics, creative activities, computer, coding, English language, survivor, stem, Art & Crafts, Music, Dance, Drama, Excursions, Sports, overnight stay camping site in Troodos (optional) and many more.

Price: €60/week 1-2 week, €55/week 4-6 weeks, €50/week 5 – 6 weeks, (additional discount to siblings, lunch €20/per week)

Elite Sporting Club Larnaka Summer School

Dates: 24/6/2019 – 9/8/2019(Monday – Friday)

Packages: weekly

Ages: 4 years old and over

Contact details:  [email protected] | 70007590

Facebook: elitesportingclubatpascalenglishschoollarnaca/

Website: www.elitesportingclubcyp.com

Language: Greek and English language

Time: 7:30 a.m – 15:00 p.m

Activities: Swimming, football, cinema movie, fun games, gymnastics, ballet, art & creations, survivor games, Zumba & Pilates kids, rhythmic gymnastics, martial arts – judo, dance, robotic and many more. 

Price: €50/week