Back To School Nightmare: Let us show you the way!


Going back to school after a break, especially if the break lasted almost 3 months, is not an easy and pleasant situation for parents, teachers and of course students! Having countless summer memories of sea dives, fun with friends and carefree days makes it even harder to embrace the idea of your kids going back to school!  

However, this particular situation is not all black and white. There are some tips to make things easier for everyone and smooth the adjustment period needed to get back in the school routine.

Prepare for the new term in advance

If your kid is a “first time schooler” you should help them get used to the uniform they are obliged to wear i.e maybe wear them a few times before school starts just to get the hang of it.  

Extra Tips:

  • Make sure you have plenty of spares, otherwise you will never leave the laundry room!    
  • Label everything to avoid any mix ups with other kids’ stuff and make it easier to return them to you in case they get lost.

Now, If you have returning schoolers then you have to check if their existing uniforms fit or you need to get them new ones.

Shop for school supplies, pens pencils, cases, school bags etc and have them ready for the first day at school.

Prepare your child for their return to the school routine

The school routine should “return” at least a week before school starts! When gradually put the kids to sleep earlier and wake them up a little sooner, you help their inner clock adjust to the latest changes in sleep habits. Additionally, set a time you should leave the house for school and stick to that! The kids should be dressed, washed, with their teeth brushed etc and ready to leave the house on the set time as consistency help them stick to the particular routine and time frames.

Don’t take away all the fun!

Create constant reminders that the new term is coming but is not here yet! Studying and fun can happen simultaneously even thought their minds should start to re-focus on learning. You can “home  -school” with fun learning games such as groceries shopping where they keep the money and should sum up the cost etc. Older kids should be reminded that school time is here with simple activities on learned topics just to set their mind back on school stuff!

Most importantly, create a positive “myth” around the big return back to school, especially if you have young children just starting school.  Discuss all the fun they will be having through various learning activities and along with their friends to relax them (and let’s be honest: calm yourself as well?)

On the night before, make sure to get the kids into bed early, so they have a good rest and wake up fresh in the morning!

Last Tip: Practice your patience skills ?