A pleasant surprise was waiting for the attendees at the Caffe Nero of Nicosia and Limassol over the weekend when a Wes Anderson-inspired promotional team dressed in bright, modern and playful colours invited them to play an interesting quiz to test how well they know their consumer rights!
The interactive activation took place within the framework of the awareness campaign ‘YOU’RE RIGHT’ (#YourEURight), that is implemented by DG Just (The Commission’s Directorate-General for Justice and Consumers is responsible for EU policy on justice, consumer rights and gender equality). With a youthful style and a colourful look and feel, the campaign aims to inform consumers of their rights so that they can make informed purchasing choices.

Thanks to the EU, consumers have the right to return any online purchases in the EU within 14 days, without a specific reason, as long as the goods have not been used. The same applies to distance shopping, due to the fact that consumers do not have the opportunity to inspect a product before purchasing it. this specific right excludes consumables such as food, online digital content, or personalised products.
If a consumer decides to return a product, they have purchased online, they have to first notify and inform the trader within 14 days, and then send back the product. Should a trader be unresponsive to the return of the goods or refuses to return the money, and the consumer needs to seek redress, the EU has put the following EU-wide systems in place on both a national and cross-border level.
For cases concerning cross-border purchases, consumers can contact the European Consumer Centre to get advice on possible steps to take
(http://www.ecccyprus.gov.cy/mcit/eccc/eccc.nsf/eccc04_el/eccc04_el?OpenDocument). In case of disputes between an online consumer and an online trader in the same member state, as well as cross-border ones, the EU’s Online Dispute Resolution (ODR – https://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr/main/?event=main.trader.register) portal is a useful tool for consumers trying to identify the appropriate national ADR body that could resolve the dispute. The portal also enables to translate the complaint in case it needs to be sent to another country.

Enhance your role as a consumer by learning your rights through https://europa.eu/youreuright/
It’s your EU right! #yourEUright

Source: Cyprusdaily