Blame It On The Stars


Starting with Monday, a quarter moon in Aries offers an opportunity to assess progress on a key project and make any adjustments. Clarity is needed, though, as spirited Mercury’s tie to ethereal Neptune on constant day may cause confusion.

The action picks up later within the week as beautiful Venus angles toward feisty Mars on Friday, which can see you getting along with someone extremely well. Encounters can sizzle with promise. At the same time, chatty Mercury’s merger with powerful Pluto suggests you’ll have a choice to make. and the sun’s angle to electric Uranus, additionally on Friday, could make people restless and prepared for some excitement.

The sun dances into Aquarius on Sunday, and there’s also a lunar eclipse and supermoon in Leo, which could turn us all into divas determined to have fun and enjoy life. If you own a business, it’s time to promote it.


piscesWEEK OF JAN 14, 2019: Your imagination tends toward the fantasy realm on Monday, but there are some very real (and no less fascinating) storylines unfolding right before your eyes. Rather than being critical of a friend on Tuesday or Wednesday, consider how you might be able to help them. You have a yen to clean on Thursday, and tidying up the house gets you in the mood to tidy up other aspects of your life as well. If someone owes you some money, remind them on Friday. Saturday and Sunday — although you’re feeling practical — aren’t good days to sign paperwork.


ariesWEEK OF JAN 14, 2019: Monday is a great day — on the romance front, at home, out in the world, in every realm. You are unstoppable. Creativity and healthy competition keep you on your toes. Tuesday and Wednesday are less ideal — mundane responsibilities and conflicts between friends threaten to drive you nuts — but Thursday and Friday you’re back in the game and better than ever. Figure out the most important person in your life and lavish them with attention. The weekend won’t exactly be fast-paced, but the most beautiful things in life take a while to grow.


taurusWEEK OF JAN 14, 2019: Monday sees you settling a dispute between two of your friends — not the most fun thing in the world. But Tuesday is appropriately romantic and fun. The affection, the feeling of lightness, the sudden abundance of beauty all around you — all this lasts through the rest of the week.The work you have to do on Thursday is so much more palatable when love is in the back of your mind, and Saturday’s intensity only demonstrates how deeply you both feel about one another. On Sunday, be careful of overreacting.


geminiWEEK OF JAN 14, 2019: After a light debate with a friend, you feel stimulated and on your toes. This is a good place for you to be at the start of this week. Engage as many friends as you can in conversations that are more than just idle time killers. Practice your communication skills; you’ll need them Wednesday, when an interaction with a family member will prove difficult. Thursday and Friday are more purely enjoyable — and if you’re single, a romantic prospect might present itself. A new project! Just what you need to occupy your hungry mind this weekend.


cancerWEEK OF JAN 14, 2019: You don’t need to settle. Whether the matter is financial or professional or romantic, you can afford to hold out for better. You deserve it. You go into the week with confidence, which is what makes everything go your way Tuesday and Wednesday. Also, you’re not afraid to do what you need to do to be happy. Cleaning up around the house Thursday is the surest path toward contentment and Friday you should do something actively self-improving as well. Saturday and Sunday, you are crippled by options — so many decisions. Don’t get involved with anything (or anyone) you are unsure of.


leoWEEK OF JAN 14, 2019: Check you out! You are on top of the world. The magnificence and warmth of Monday are evidence that you’re on the right track. Use this positive reinforcement to propel you to still greater heights. Tuesday and Wednesday, put your mind on money matters, as some reassessment may be in order. Thursday and Friday, shove that stack of bills aside and go out and do something with friends. Or have them over for an impromptu party. Romance rears its unpredictable head Friday — a happy, welcome surprise. Let your intuition guide you into the weekend.

virgoWEEK OF JAN 14, 2019: You know the drill. The more crazy things get, the more flexible you have to become — otherwise you’ll snap. And no one wants that. Your seeming nonchalance pays off as soon as Tuesday. It’s like you were born to juggle, you make it look so easy. Wednesday is a good time to start a new project and Thursday is right for making a big purchase with a partner. Friday, a bout of indecisiveness sets you back a bit, but over the weekend you’ll take stock of your goals and by Sunday have a clearer plan.


libraWEEK OF JAN 14, 2019: A bunch of questioning faces turn toward you on Monday, as if you have the answers. (You have many of the answers, but you don’t have all of them — make sure everyone knows that. Still, they see you as a leader, and that’s totally flattering.) Tuesday and Wednesday, do the best you can do with the resources you have, and make sure everyone’s getting along. Relationships are key right now — and relationships of another kind, the love kind, figure in on Thursday and Friday. This weekend, a business-related question occupies your mental energy. Selfish? A bit. Unhealthily so? Not at all.

scorpioWEEK OF JAN 14, 2019: Work is a bit of an obstacle course on Monday. If you were thinking of asking for a raise, Monday isn’t the day to bring it up. If a coworker has steam pouring out of his or her ears, stay out of the way. Tuesday and Wednesday are good days on almost every level. You’re feeling especially close to a friend right now. This is the person you should go to on Thursday for help making a decision. The two of you will spend the second half of the week tossing ideas back and forth. Your patience is incredible, and it impresses others this weekend.


sagittariusWEEK OF JAN 14, 2019: Any traveling you do on Monday will be a grand experience. If you’re flying somewhere, you might get unexpectedly upgraded to first class. If you’re staying in town, the good luck will come in other forms, but it will come, and you should be prepared for a boost in optimism. Midweek, the worst thing you’ll face is an authority figure in a cranky mood. The end of the week, you’re drowning in social plans. You laugh hard enough on Friday to equal a workout, but on Saturday and Sunday, you’ll be in the mood to spend some time alone with your imagination.

capricornWEEK OF JAN 14, 2019: Resources are tight on Monday, and no one’s in the mood to share. Needless to say, Monday isn’t a banner day. But Tuesday, an unexpected phone call from a long-distance friend changes your whole attitude, and a breakthrough on Wednesday allows you to achieve a whole lot in a single afternoon. You’ll try to build on these achievements Thursday and Friday, but your energy will be off. Or maybe it’s everyone else’s energy that’s off? In any case, you’re all on the same page again by this weekend. And you’ve never felt more prepared for the future.

aquariusWEEK OF JAN 14, 2019: Sometimes the most improbable experiments lead to the most extraordinary discoveries; the history of science has borne this out, but the principle applies equally to social experiments.  Monday sees you trying new things in your relationships with other people. Tuesday and Wednesday, you are still trying to get a handle on what these people may want from you, but by Thursday your interactions are a lot more intuitive and comfortable. Friday is a fun, frivolous day, but Saturday and Sunday your head is swimming with deep thoughts.

