Blame It On The Stars Feb 25 – Mar 3


New week, new predictions and your weekly horoscope is here to prepare you for the changes brought to you by the stars! Remember, whatever happens, blame it on the stars! ? 

ariesWEEK OF FEB 25, 2019: Your ultra-direct manner could be a liability at the beginning of the week. Couch your critiques carefully and bring along a partner to soften your messaging in any client meetings. On Wednesday and Thursday, you’re in charge — or you should be. Offer to pick up someone else’s slack if it’ll help you position yourself in a managerial role; otherwise, prioritize projects in which you can run the show. By Friday and through the weekend, pitching in with the team comes naturally, and with your strength added in, a big payoff is just around the corner.


taurusWEEK OF FEB 25, 2019: While you’re perfectly capable of getting the nitty-gritty, mundane stuff done on Monday and Tuesday, you’ll feel most fulfilled — and do your best thinking — if you engage with bigger-picture aspects of your business. Long-term planning is your forte now. From Wednesday through the end of the week, keep an eye out for a leadership role. Whether it’s minor or major, you’ll perform spectacularly. And this weekend, give some thought to how your company can give back to the community. It’s good karma — and good PR.


WEEK OF FEB 25, 2019: Avoid getting entangled in office politics at the week’s  outset. Watercooler gossip or taking sides drains energy that could lead you in some innovative new directions in your field now. On Wednesday and Thursday, you’ve got a real knack for putting the right people together with the right projects. The caliber of work you’re doing now is what leads to promotions. Look out for personality conflicts on Friday; if you can, arrange to work in a group rather than one-on-one. The weekend’s a good time to mull over your current career path — and how you’d like to change it.


CancerWEEK OF FEB 25, 2019: Be conscious of your priorities on Monday and Tuesday. Your instinct to pitch in on a project is a generous one, but make sure your own workload isn’t getting unmanageable in the meantime. You’ll want to at least be caught up — if not a little ahead of schedule — midweek when home or personal matters compete for your attention with your career. Time to multitask! Budgets, financial spreadsheets and the like may not be your favorite things, but they require some time at the week’s end. If you’re operating at less than full concentration, be sure to double-check your numbers.



WEEK OF FEB 25, 2019: Leave the little stuff to the small-minded at the beginning of the week — you’re looking at big strategic plans, effective long-term tactics and the global view of your industry. You’re great at it, too, but don’t let it go to your head; around Wednesday, proactive listening becomes more important than brainstorming. If someone asks you for help on a less-than-thrilling task, remember that you may need their assistance down the road. Power issues could come up this weekend, and unless you’re the boss, be ready to back down gracefully.


virgoWEEK OF FEB 25, 2019: A small risk at the beginning of the week could net you big results. This opportunity won’t come again soon, so be ready to be daring at the right moment. A longer-term project you’ve been plugging away at with little reward finally gets you some recognition around Wednesday or Thursday. All that hard work (or tedious work, as the case may be) has not been in vain — quite the contrary. If someone wants to switch the agenda for a meeting at the last minute on Friday, or if it looks like extra hours need to be put in this weekend, grin and bear it. Attitude counts now.


WEEK OF FEB 25, 2019: The beginning of the week brings an opportunity to explore new avenues in your career — whether in your current position or, perhaps, in a different one. Delve into the possibilities and start planning an exit strategy if indicated. On Wednesday or Thursday, a problem at work that seemed solved reemerges, and while it’s not pleasant, a permanent solution has got to be found. Work’s thankfully more fun on Friday — you’re a real people person now, and it’s a pleasure to partner or manage. This weekend doesn’t favor business over romance!


scorpioWEEK OF FEB 25, 2019: A skeptical approach is in order on Monday and Tuesday. Particularly if someone’s trying hard to sell you on an idea, project or product, scrutinize it — and their motives — with an eagle eye. Wednesday and Thursday are better for signing on a dotted line, green-lighting the next big thing or unveiling your own latest masterpiece. Realizing a long-held ambition is closer now than ever. An idea that seems in conflict with yours on Friday or this weekend may be just a degree or two removed; view it with an open mind and see how you could incorporate it.


WEEK OF FEB 25, 2019: A workplace friendship could progress nicely at the beginning of the week, and these kinds of allies are invaluable. Cultivate the good will and pass it on. Rather than blowing the budget on Wednesday or Thursday, you’ve got your eye on the bottom line. This kind of fiscal responsibility and attention to detail really rounds out your skill set — and could get you noticed by higher-ups now. You take to new ideas like a duck to water on Friday and through the weekend, adding in your own expertise to create what could be the next big thing.


WEEK OF FEB 25, 2019: If your pet project gets de-prioritized or your resources suddenly contract at the beginning of the week, don’t panic. Taking it calmly and re-strategizing demonstrates to key players that you can handle changing circumstances. Besides, a turnaround comes as soon as Wednesday or Thursday, when you can accomplish a goal in record time. Do some longer-term planning on Friday, taking updated projections for your industry into account, and don’t be surprised if those plans are expanded upon this weekend.


aquariusWEEK OF FEB 25, 2019: Those in your business network are lucky indeed at the beginning of the week, when you’re a mastermind at brokering deals and just connecting the right people out of the goodness of your heart (well, that and you know it’ll come back to you eventually). Nagging details require that you discipline your all-encompassing mind on Wednesday and Thursday — or that you delegate the nitty-gritty effectively. But starting Friday and through the weekend, your vision is at its finest, and those around you are as excited about it as you are. Be ready to break new ground in your field.


piscesWEEK OF FEB 25, 2019: You know your boss or another authority figure is dead wrong on Monday or Tuesday, but gather your facts and figures before you tell them so. A little diplomacy goes a long way, particularly considering that you might need a friend in a high place on Wednesday or Thursday. Go to them asking for mentorship as well as a favor; they’ll be flattered, and the relationship will benefit. Focus may be elusive on Friday and through the weekend, so do what you need to do to get centered — some exercise or just some much-needed rest are in order if you want to be more productive.

