Cyprus-Greece electricity interconnection through Crete ready by December 2023


EuroAsia Interconnector, the official Project Developer of the European Project of Common Interest (PCI 3.10 Israel Cyprus Greece-Crete), in a press release, is thanking the governments of Cyprus and Greece for their full political support.

According to the press release, the official Project Developer has submitted to the ‘Connecting Europe Facility’ (CEF) for the implementation of the interconnection of Cyprus with Greece through Crete by December 2023.

EuroAsia Interconnector expresses particular gratitude to the President of the Republic of Cyprus and the Prime Minister of the Hellenic Republic, as well as the two competent ministers, Greece’s Energy and Environment Minister Kostis Hatzidakis and Cyprus Energy Minister Giorgos Lakkotrypis, for their full coordination and support to the electricity interconnection which ends the energy isolation of Cyprus, the last energy isolated European Union Member State.

EuroAsia Interconnector remains committed to the timely implementation of the 1208km subsea electricity interconnection that links the electricity grids of Israel, Cyprus and Greece through Crete by December 2023, the press release adds.

The EuroAsia Interconnector, as a leading European Project of Common Interest, is eligible for funding from the European Union’s ‘Connecting Europe Facility’ (CEF) financing resource of €8.7 bln., it concludes.

Source: CNA