EU announcement: Cyprus has excellent bathing water quality


Environment Minister Costas Kadis on Monday hailed the announcement by the EU that Cyprus tops the MS on the quality of its bathing waters, with 99,1% being of excellent quality for 2019.

The Minister pointed out that the quality of the waters is linked with tourism. He said that the quality is important for the health of the swimmers  and the environment but at the same time is associated wit the economy and the tourist industry.

He pointed out that Cyprus’ excellent results did not come by chance as since its admission to the EU in 2004, Cyprus has been complying with strict criteria on bathing waters.

Kadis also said that between May-October 2019 a total of 112 bathing areas have been under inspection on a monthly basis and tests were carried out before the swimming period.

He praised the actions of the Environment Department which is responsible for the application of EU directives as well as the actions for the Health Services of the Health Ministry, the State Laboratory and the local authorities.

Source: CNA