Industrial producer prices down by 0.6% in the EU, up by 0.2% in Cyprus for February 2020


In February 2020, – the month before COVID-19 containment measures began to be widely introduced by Member States –, industrial producer prices decreased by 0.6% in both the euro area and the EU and increased by 0.2% in  Cyprus, compared with January 2020, according to estimates from Eurostat, the statistical office of the European Union.

In January 2020, prices increased by 0.2% in both the euro area and the EU and decreased by -0.4 in Cyprus. In February 2020, compared with February 2019, industrial producer prices decreased by 1.3% in the euro area by 1.0% in the EU and by 2.3% in Cyprus.

In monthly basis, the largest decreases in industrial producer prices were recorded in Denmark (-2.2%), Spain and Portugal (both -1.3%), while the highest increases were observed in Slovakia (+2.2%), Ireland and Cyprus (both +0.2%).

In an annual basis, the largest decreases in industrial producer prices were observed in Denmark (-5.7%), Estonia (-4.7%) and Italy (-3.8%), while the highest increases were recorded in Romania (+3.4%), Hungary (+3.3%) and Bulgaria (+3.0%).

Source: CNA