Cyprus as seen from space shows the incredible difference a few months’ time can make on the landscape of the earth — especially after a Winter like this one, where there has been so much precipitation, both rain and snow.
The first image, captured by German astronaut Alexander Gers last October, depicts the island of Cyprus as almost completely brown and bare. Browns and tans are definitely the dominant hues as Summer gives way to Autumn.

The second image, taken by Russian cosmonaut Oleg Kotov on Monday, shows the island almost totally covered in lush green. Winter rains and snows have completely transformed the landscape on the Island of Aphrodite.
#МКСфотоДня: #Кипр — третий по величине остров в Средиземном море (после Сардинии и Сицилии). Он протянулся на 240 км с востока на запад, а в ширину достигает 100 км с севера на юг. Его площадь составляет 9 251 кв. км.
Фотография сделана космонавтом Роскосмоса Олегом Котовым— РОСКОСМОС (@roscosmos) March 11, 2019
Source: Cyprusdaily