Travelers to and from Cyprus rise to 5.8 million in 2019


Movement of travelers to and from Cyprus reached 5.77 million for the twelve-month period, from January to December 2019, marking an increase of 4.4% year on year.
According to data released by the Statistical Service of the Republic of Cyprus (Cystat), arrivals of travelers in 2019 totaled 5,777,029 compared to 5,535,797 in the corresponding period of 2018.
Tourist arrival rose by 1.0% year on year while Cypriots traveling back increased by 9.2%, Cystat added.
According to Cystat, traveler’s movement for December 2019 reached 273,714 compared to 234,214 in December 2018, recording an increase of 16.9%, mainly due to the return of Cypriots which rose by 18.4% as well as to the arrivals of tourists with 3.5%.

Source: CNA