We Luv Lovemade by Mayia Creations


“You can’t buy love, but you can buy handmade, and that’s kind of the same thing”

As soon as you enter the shop, you immediately find yourself caught up in a magical world, filled with love and imagination. Lovemade by mayia creations are just as the name says, made with love!

When the artist, Maria Yiallouridou, started almost 5 years ago, she couldn’t even imagine the outcome of this idea and how much love she would give and receive through her creations.

Always seeking to stand out, Maria never stops looking for inspiring new ideas as she wants to differentiate from competition through her unique designs.

Her exceptional creations include the distinctive wooden money box suitcase, world map with string art, family trees, newborn signs and many more.

In this creative journey, her husband Vasilis Agathocleous is her companion and with his own project, Titan Greenlight, managed to create a loyal and supportive clientele. Custom made lighting, wooden furniture, custom made constructions and many more, are just a few of the items you will find when you visit the shop.

With Christmas just around the corner you should definitely visit Lovemade by mayia to place your orders in time for the holidays.

Don’t forget our running competition for a chance to win a distinctive wooden money box suitcase!!

Tel: 99575147|Find Lovemade by mayia